Wednesday, January 8, 2020

In The Stag Hughes seems to comment on man’s...

In The Stag Hughes seems to comment on man’s relationships with nature With reference to The Stag and one other poem in the section discuss the poet’s treatment of conflict between man and nature. â€Å"In ‘The Stag’ Hughes seems to comment on man’s relationships with nature† With reference to ‘The Stag’ and one other poem in the section discuss the poet’s treatment of conflict between man and nature. The Stag was written by a poet named Ted Hughes and is similar to the poem Roe-Deer in many respects because they feature many similar ideas. The poem is about the distant relationship between humans and nature, in this case it is a Stag the represents the natural side and its actions compared to the humans and their actions. The†¦show more content†¦Ted Hughes expresses part of his feeling as he says â€Å"pulled aside the camouflage of their terrible planet† this tells us that he sympathises with the stag and is disgusted at our behaviour. It is also interesting that the animals who have been brought into are world have also been turned barbaric, such as the hounds which have been taught to hunt the stag for no reason as it does not need to kill it for survival reasons it is just doing it through command of the hunters. The poem also portrays the Stags innocence and helplessness by using phrases such as â€Å"his limbs all cried different directions to his lungs, which only wanted to rest† and â€Å"doubled back weeping† As I said before Roe – Deer written by the same poet features a similar ‘encounter’ between human and wildlife. It shows the lack of communication between nature and us. â€Å"They happened into my dimension† backs up the different world theory that Ted Hughes has and in The Stag there is a constant contrast between nature and us. The poem is about a person having an encounter with a Roe – Deer but because of us driving nature away it emphasis on how magical it is to see a wild animal. Ted Hughes uses words in this poem such as â€Å"secret deerhood† and â€Å"hesitated† as a way to describe how the deer have become secret to keep away from humans and hesitated shows us how scared the wildlife is of us and our technology. ThroughoutShow MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pages1634) to Elias Ashmole (d. 1692) to William Lilly (d. 1681). E.M. Butler wrongly associates it with Gio. Peccatrix, (no doubt a pseudonym) who edited an Italian version of the Key of Solomon (British Library, Sloane manuscript 1307). Misled by some comments by Mathers and others, Dr. Butler incorrectly concluded that the Picatrix was â€Å"an Italian edition of the Clavicle, strongly impregnated with black elements† (Ritual Magic, 19 49, p. 135.) Recent editions include: Arabic Pseudo-Magriti, Das Ziel des

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